
Belt: digital insurance marketplace launched in Portugal

Newly launched digital platform intends to captivate the most digital audience, promising to break with bureaucracy, with products from more than 15 insurance companies. Travel insurance is Belt’s debut product

Belt is the latest digital insurance marketplace in the domestic market, with the aim of simplifying the bureaucratic process associated with insurance. The project has just been launched by Clever Advertising, specialists in digital marketing, under the leadership of Leandro Almeida and Manuel Brandão, who sought to ensure the proximity and trust of a conventional mediator, adding innovation, technology and informality factors.

“We set up the mediator of modern times, which offers a differentiating proximity and simplicity to the customer. At Belt, we’re more purposeful and less bullshit. We are guided by the expectations and needs of our customers and our focus will always be on delivering quality information, so that they understand the different coverage options on the market and make an informed purchase decision”, says Manuel Brandão, co-founder of platform.

Belt’s objective is to allow the customer to access an online platform and take out insurance of all branches and different insurers, at the distance of a click, at any time and from any device. It is intended, according to the founders, for those who prefer the efficiency and comfort of digital.

Belt: cheapest product is not always chosen

“In general, people believe that e-commerce and marketplaces are important tools for reducing product prices. However, the success stories are those that give customers access to more products and adequate information for a correct purchase decision. It is interesting to note that when a customer is exposed to a good comparison of products, he rarely chooses the product with the lowest added value”, says Leandro Almeida.

The founders aim for Belt to become the largest insurance marketplace in Portugal and to expand internationally to markets in which Clever Advertising already has a strong presence, namely Brazil and Spain, among others.

In this sense, “Belt innovates by providing insurance education in its sales process. Our preliminary results prove that customers, when well informed, look for quality products with coverage adjusted to their needs. Price becomes a secondary factor”, points out Leandro Almeida, who has led the company since September last year.

Travel insurance

Belt’s debut was for insurance which, according to the company, represents the highest demand rate in the last two years: travel insurance. “Travel should mean leaving your comfort zone, but it shouldn’t be a source of discomfort or problems”, emphasizes Belt, which offers a wide range of insurances that cover the most varied unexpected situations: from medical and hospital care expenses, protection for cancellations or personal accidents, including protection against damage or loss of luggage with a laptop, among others.

In addition to these guarantees, Belt mentions that it ensures a quick and simple process. In the coming months, the company will add domestic, pet, health, urban mobility and life insurance to its range of offers.